Waking Up

To be honest, I struggled with this ebook. It is about spirituality without religion, the connection of consciousness and our brain (interesting the cases when people got removed something the brain hemispheres got disconnected), false gurus (you can apply this to many env in life: sport, work, etc), next-death-experiences, enlightenment and the use of psychedelics to open your mind.

Make your bed

This is an ebook about how to deal with life. Every person has its rules for living and I have read several book about rules so it is always interesting to see/read the different points of view from very different people.

This case is from a USA Seal and Admiral. Actually, I watched this video before buying the book. And hits your.

1- Start your day with a task completed: Make your bed to perfection. If you can’t make the little things right, you will never be able to do the big things right.

2- You can’t go it alone: You can’t paddle the boat (life) alone. Find someone to share your life with (struggling with this), make as many friends as possible (idem) and never forget that your success depends on others.

3- It’s not the size of your flippers that count, just the size of your heart matters: There is more in life that physical attributes.

4- Life is not fair, deal with it: The common people and the great men and women are all defined by how they deal with the life’s unfairness.

5- Failure can make you stronger: True leaders must learn from their failures, use the lessons to motivate themselves and not be afraid to try again or make the next tough decision (You will always make it to the Circus at some point)

6- You must date greatly: Without pushing your limits, without occasionally sliding down the rope headfirst, without daring greatly, you will never know what you are truly capable for.

7- Stand up to the bullies: Courage is within all of us. Dig deep.

8- Rise to the occasion: If you want to change the world, be your very best in the darkest moments.

9- Give people hope: If you want to change the world, start singing when you are up to your neck in mud. Like this. Lift up those around you and give them hope that tomorrow will be a better day.

10- Never, ever quit: This is the summary for all the above. If you refuse to give up on your dreams, stand tall and strong against the odds, then life will be what you make of it.

Personal MBA

I have read this ebook recently. As it is in electronic format, I didn’t take many notes but it looks quite complete touching many subjects. The site is quite good and you can get a list of all recommended books.

The general idea is you dont have to spend a fortune in knowledge that you can get just reading several key books (buying or borrowing from a library).

I agree (high/good) education is becoming a luxury and knowing that there are alternatives is a safe-line.

I would read it again but in paper so you can have a physical reference in your desk.

Huberman: Social Connection, Optimal protocols for studying and learning

Social Connection: Long video but worth it. Listen to it in several parts. Send a text to your close friends, connections… daily. Oh, so hard.

Some other notes (copied too)

Stress: boosts immune system short term, crashes brain+body long term.

Sleep. Water. Movement. Sun, Meditation. Rest. Rhythm. Love. Gratitude.

Porn and dopamine: scary

“If I go to my phone, I’m a consumer. If I go to my journal, I’m a creator.”

Optical Protocols for Studying and learning: This is a current video and some months ago I read something similar, but I dont mind to repeat it. It is very good. And a summary

Good sleep, dedicated time, focus, meditations to improve focus, similar time of day, teach it, test it frequently, create engagement. Reduce knowledge decay a.k.a = learning

Tesla TCP, Cerebras Inference, Leopold AIG race, Cursor + Sonnet, AI AWS Engineering Infra, NVLink HGX B200 and UALink, Netflix encoding challenges, Food waste snacks, career advice AWS, Thick Skin

Testa TCP replacement: Instead of buying and spending a lot of money, built what you need. I assume very smart people around and real network engineering taking place.It is like a re-write of TCP but doesnt break it so your switches can still play with it. It seems videos are not available in the hotchips webpage yet. And this link looks even better, even mentions Arista as the switching vendor.

Cerebras Inference: From hotchips 2024. I am still blow away for the waferscale solution. Obviously, the presentation says its product is the best but I wonder, can you install a “standard” linux and run your LLM/Inference that easily?

Leopold AIG race: Via linkedin, then the source. I read the chapter 3 regarding the race to the Trillion-Dollar cluster. It all looks Sci-Fi, but I think it may be not that far from reallity.

Cursor + Sonet: Replacement for copilot? original I haven’t used Copilot but at some point I would like to get into the wagon and try things and decide for myself.

AI AWS Engineering Infra: low-latency and large-scale networking (\o/), energy efficiency, security, AI chips.

NVLink HGX B200: To be honest, I always forger the concept of NVLink and I told my self it is an “in-server” switch to connect all GPUs in a rack. Still this can help:

At a high level, the consortium’s goal (UltraEthernet/ UA) is to develop an open standard alternative to Nvidia’s NVLInk that can be used for intra-server or inter-server high-speed connectivity between GPU/Accelerators to build scale-up AI/HPC systems. The plan is to use AMD’s interconnect (Infinity Fabric) as the baseline for this standard.

Netflix encoding challenges: From encoding per quality of connection, to per-title, to per-shot. Still there are challenges for live streaming. Amazon does already live streaming for sports, have they “solved” the problem? I dont use Netflix or similar but still, the challenges and engineering behind is quite interesting.

Food Waste snacks: Indeed, we need more of this.

Some career advice from AWS: I “get” the point but still you want to be up to speed (at certain level) with new technologies, you dont want to become a dinosaur (ATM, frame-relay, pascal, etc).

Again, it’s not about how much you technically know but how you put into use what you know to generate amazing results for a value chain.

Get the data – be a data-driven nerd if you will – define a problem statement, demonstrate how your solution translates to real value, and fix it.

Thick Skin:

“Not taking things personally is a superpower.” –James Clear

Because “no” is normal.

Before John Paul DeJoria built his billion-dollar empire with Patrón and hair products, he hustled door-to-door selling encyclopedias. His wisdom shared at Stanford Business School on embracing rejection is pure gold (start clip at 5:06).

You see, life is a numbers game. Today’s winners often got rejected the most (but persevered). They kept taking smart shots on goal and, eventually, broke through.

Cloudflare backbone 2024, Cisco AI, Leetcode, Alibaba HPN, Altman UBI, xAI 100k GPU, Crowdstrike RCA, Github deleted data, DGX SuperPod, how ssh works, Grace Hooper Nvidia

Cloudflare backbone 2024: Everything very high level. 500% backbone capacity increase since 2021. Use of MPLS + SR-TE. Would be interesting to see how the operate/automate those many PoPs.

Cisco AI: “three of the top four hyperscalers deploying our Ethernet AI fabric” I assume it is Google, Microsoft and Meta? AWS is the forth and biggest.

Huawei Cloud Monitor: Haven’t read the paper RD-Probe. I would expect a git repo with the code 🙂 And refers to AWS pdf and video.

Automated Leetcode: One day, I should have time to use it a learn more programming, although AI can solve them quicker than me 🙂

Alibaba Cloud HPN: linkedin, paper, AIDC material

LLM Traffic Pattern: periodically burst flows, few flows (LB harder)

Sensitive to failures: GPU, link, switch, etc

Limitations of Traditional Clos: ECMP (hash polarization) and SPOF in TORs

HPN goals:

-Scalability: up to 100k GPU

-Performance: low latency (minimum amount of hops) and maximum network utilization

-Reliability: Use two TORs with LACP from the host.


– Use single-chip switch 51.2Tbps. They are more reliable. Dual TOR

– 1k GPUs in a segment (like nv-link) Rail-optimized network

Tier2: Eliminating load imbalance: Using dual plane. It has oversubscription

Tier3: connects several pod. Can reach 100k GPUs. Independent front-end network

Altman Universal Base Income Study: It doesnt fixt all problems, but in my opinion, it helps, and it is a good direction.

xAI 100k GPU cluster: 100k liquid-cooled H100s on single RDMA fabric. Looks like Supermicro involved for servers and Juniper only front-end network. NVIDIA provides all ethernet switches with Spectrum-4. Very interesting.

Crowdstrike RCA:

Github access deleted data: Didn’t know about it. Interesting and scary.

Nvidia DGX SuperPod: reference architecture. video. 1 pod is 16 racks with 4 DGX each (128×8=1024 GPU per pod), 2xIB fabric: compute + storage, fat tree, rail-optimized, liquid cooling. 32k GPU fills a DC.

How SSH works: So powerful, and I am still so clueless about it

Chips and Cheese GH200: Nice analysis for Nvidia Grace CPU (ARM Neoverse) and Hopper H100 GPU

Find Love

I decided to read this book after watching this video some months ago. As I am not able to make a move in my dating live… and it is nearly 6y. I know I am not going to discover the grail of dating but at least I can try to refresh ideas, find encouragement, you name it, to start the work.

The book is crystal clear. Get your shit together, know yourself, know what you want, know what you dont want, dont fall in some traps, etc.

One of the things that I have collected and stays with me so far, it is the importance of having a “tribe” a.k.a a social network. And maybe this is not the most important point in the book. Still, I have a very small tribe, they are few but they are the best. So I have to work in increase my social network, and that is not just good for dating.

Something I have been doing in the last months is going to Bachata social dancing on Wednesdays after class and Saturday nights. It is hard for me. It is getting out our my confort zone. But this is the only way to improve, and it is not just improving my bachata skills. It is being comfortable being uncomfortable, knowing that you may be rejected when asking for a dance, or dancing once with a person and that person will not want to dance with you (because I am not a good dancer) again. But step by step (literally) is getting a bit better. Still long way to go, but I must carry on. Sometimes I talk to people so it is good. I feel less weird in those moments because you are coming on your own (and I am not the only one) and looks like everybody is having a good time and socialising.

Chapter 1

Identify and understand your attachment style: I am fearful-avoidant. But I would like to be Secure.

The village/tribe concept: Until not long ago (maybe when online dating started), your dating pool was around your social circle. It can be a tribe, a village, your neighbourhood, work, sport, etc. And your close members of that tribe will want the best for your.

Be clear about your goal in the relationship: short-term, long-term, family, etc

Chapter 2

You have to know yourself, that means work on you and go through your traumas, problems, etc and heal. Then you can start dating properly, as you will have a better vision (less noise). Have an open mind and be a lifelong learner to be your best self.

Soulmates are made not found.

Chapter 3

1st Be happy with yourself + self awareness -> successful relationship


Good relationship -> makes you happier/healthier

Chapter 4

We are living in a changing world so we have to adapt and find the best approach to find our partner. And that includes online dating

Chapter 5

This is basic statistics and probability. The more people you can meet, the more chances you will have to find a partner. This is your job. And way to increase your social reach is using “those” weak connections (a friend you dont see often, a place, etc)

Chapter 6

Say what you want, be intentional. First impressions are important so make a strong one (I am going to struggle here). Work in your “social capital”: identify the things in your life you are passionate about and work towards becoming exceptional at them, and the important thing, it is not the goal, it is the journey.

Chapter 7: Green Flags

What you want and what you need are not the same. This applies to dating too. So make rational decisions about the criteria for your partner. There is a reference to Gary Chapman’s “The 5 Love Languages“. It is important to identify them, and they dont have to match. But they are not all.

Green Flags:

  • Emotional Fitness
  • Courageous Vision:
  • Resilient Resourcefulness:
  • Open-minded Understanding:
  • Compassionate Support

Summary here: Choose someone who matches your values, who will challenge you to grow and has the character to be for the good and bad times.

Chapter 8: Red Flags

Value your self-worth and refuse to settle for anything less than you deserve. That means you have to be very honest with your self and do the work.

Read Flags: Narcissism, Psychopathy, Machiavellianism and Sadism

Chapter 9: Commitment

Four elements of commitment readiness: trust, effective conflict resolution, high relationship satisfaction and not thinking there are better options available (you will be forever in the “game”)

Three things to make a relationship to work in the long term:

  • No Defensiveness, No Stonewalling, No Criticism, No Contempt
  • Relationship equity
  • Feeling your are becoming better, your best self

And you need to talk about all the above with your partner -> that means assertiveness and courage.

The Dark Forest

I finished the second part of The Three-Body Problem. It has hooked me again until the end. To be picky, how the hibernation was figured out? 🙂 And it is clear that being limited by the Sophons had to have an impact…

I liked the two axioms for cosmic civilization: 1) survival is the primary need of civilization 2) civilization continuosly grows and expands, but the total matter in the universe remains constant (that reminds me to you can’t destroy energy, just transform it). Plus “benevolence” and “malice”. You have all the tools now to survive in the dark forest that is the galaxy 🙂

And love. That came out of the blue.

Kwik Reading

I bought this course and completed it two months ago more or less. I am using the basic for my normal reading, although I should repeat it at some point to verify my improvement.


F=Forget (old habits, limitations)
A=Active (motivation, schedule)
S=State (be present, mood)
T=Teach (teach, your learn twice)


DAY 1: Finding Your Starting Place

  • consistent -> schedule it! create a habit: when you most awake and less distraction. 1st thing in morning? 10 minutes only!

WPM: 190



focus (if information gets quick enugh, your brain doesnt distract
regression (re-reading)s -> avoid it, creates momemtun!

  • visual pacer !!! -> something to underlay the words! finger or ruler
    • help to focus
    • eyes attract to movement
    • neurologic (smell + taste // seight + touch )



how to use a visual pacer:



move arm, not finger
upright posture (proper breathing) – tilt the book – face the book



mind over matter

indentation reading: start about an inch in and stop about an inch before the end.



eye health:
relax your eye muscles and activate both your left and right brain. I call this technique, a “lazy-8” or an “infinity technique.”: 1 minute before readings



read a book a week: 45m reading nornal -> 30m speeding read ?



subvocalization – Do you often hear your voice reading along with you?
-> “123 Technique” say 123 while you are reading –> keep in mind it is impossible to stop it.



using your left hand as the ruler!


DAY 10

speed drill: 4-3-2-1 (need to do it again!)


DAY 11

activating peripheral vision -> learn to juggle 3 balls (youtube)


DAY 12

boasting comprehension: read
better questions -> your questions makes you on focus in x (questions are the answers)
(who, what, where, when, why)


DAY 13

FAQ: read everyday! 15 minutes (use finger, indentation, lazy eight, left hand)
4321 – 3 times per week
questions: 5-9 before reading
flexible speed reading
small habits, long result


DAY 14

boosting comprehension p2-> taking notes:

  • capture (left side: notes – logical) – create (right side: your impressions)
  • mind mapping
  • quadrants


DAY 15

boosting comprehension p3 -> relate

  • explain what you read to somebody: (1st buddy, 2nd call a friend, 3rd plant) – Externalize, speak aloud (dont talk to yourself!)


DAY 16

the importance of brain breaks
more primancy (first) and more recency (last)
each 30 minutes, 5 minutes brain break (10x deep breath, hidrate, stretch/move)

What is the primary response of your brain? Controlling movement.
super brain yoga:
left hand, touch your right ear
right hand, touch your left ear
sit ups at the same time


DAY 17

the power of reading backwards p1

  • skimming and then reading
    — Always use a visual pacer.
    — You can either go down the center of a page (traditional “speed reading”) or
    — You can also do a zig-zag method.
    ** The last and my favorite method of skimming is going one line forward and one line backwards.
    (left to right, next line right to left, etc etc) has to be quick! – creates confusion and question


DAY 18

introducing eye fixations

  • Average reader sees one word at a time.
  • Kwik Reader sees groups of words -> Eye Fixations: you need to see groups of words. start with some warm-up exercises to activate your peripheral vision 🙂
    • devide the page with one line. You have to parts, the divide each again.
      You will have four parts and 3 lines. You will stop only in the lines so you fixation will be three instead of the 10 average stops per line.


DAY 19

reading technical information

  • you won’t be able to read at the speed you would read light fiction

Step #1: Build a Map (5-Part Map Building Process)

  • Look at the pictures
  • Spot unfamiliar words
  • Ask 5-9 questions: (who, what, where, when, why)
  • Organize the chapter: check the table of contents or index -> build a mind map (or quadrant)
  • Visualize

Step #2: Skim through the chapter

Step #3: Read the chapter


DAY 20

5 levels of transformation

  • Environment (level 5)
  • Behavior (level 4)
  • Capability (level 3)
  • Beliefs & values (level 2)
  • Identity (level 1)

Level 1 Who – identity
Level 2 Why – beliefs and values
Level 3 How – capabilities
Level 4 What – behaviour
Level 5 Where & When – environment


DAY 21

Building a reading habit


B = Behavior/Habit. Pick a behavior you would like to incorporate.
M = Motivation. Give a score to your motivation. – I am 8, so what I need to get 10 — book time for reading everyday at work (lunch time) and weekend.
A = Ability. How can you increase the ability?
T = Trigger. What reminds you to do the behavior? -> book time in calendar / bring book to office the

Inch, Dig, Microarch, LLM101, Eureka, D-Wave, Etched Transformers, MatMul, Born To Run, Paris Bakeries, Demons

Inch by inch

Biggest impacts on health (35m): Tracking, Environment and Genetics.

Just Dig it: Very interesting company. I just dont understand if it is an ONG or for profit. Still, very cool mission

Microarch club: Looks very interesting but I can’t find time to listen to it.

LLM101: Another if you have time.

Eureka labs: Company behind LLM101

D-Wave 2024: Now everything is about AI, but quantum computing still can be a thing? I remember when the news came out about the fist commercial quantum computer

Etched: Transformers chip

MatMul free: I already linked this paper but these are “applications”: link1 link2

Interview about Born to Run: I liked the book and somehow now youtube shows me things related. This is the first video I watch from Rich Roll’s channel and I liked it. It starts with the announcement of the 2nd book that I think I will buy at some point. And I need to check Eric Orton work as I want to improve my running (and recover from my injury) and see how i can do it with my “broken” knee and age.. I am starting to do the exercises recommended at the end as want to see if I can get to a bit more minimal shoes at some point. Let’s see how it goes.

Paris Bakeries: I need to get back to Paris. I am going to start collecting sites to visit there:

Apollonia Poilâne
Cedric Grolet
pastry combos

Overcome your demons: I read this book a couple of years ago, and this video is a reminder that I need to read it again.